European Association of Organic Geochemistry

Ethics Statement: Conference Code of Conduct and Response process to Ethical Violations in Awards and Participation

At EAOG, we uphold principles of integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior. Our activities include convening the biennial International Meeting of Organic Geochemists Congress, partnering with Elsevier on the official journal of EAOG Organic Geochemistry, and providing awards.

Here we provide a code of conduct for the IMOG Congress and the response process to ethical violations.


At IMOG, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, respectful, and collaborative environment where participants can engage in meaningful scientific discourse. Our Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behavior expected from all attendees to ensure a safe and enriching experience for everyone involved. By attending this conference, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

1. Respectful Behavior

   – Treat all participants, including fellow attendees, speakers, organizers, and staff, with respect and consideration, regardless of their background, identity, or expertise.

   – Engage in open and constructive discussions while valuing diverse opinions and perspectives.

2. Harassment-Free Environment

   – Harassment, including but not limited to offensive comments, verbal or written abuse, intimidation, discrimination, or unwanted advances, will not be tolerated.

   – Respect personal boundaries and consent. Do not engage in unwelcome physical contact or persistent attention.

3. Professional Conduct

– Maintain the highest level of scientific integrity and professionalism during all conference activities, including with submitted abstracts, scientific review activities, sessions, workshops, networking events, and social gatherings.

– Refrain from intentional fabrication or falsification to misrepresent research findings, or any misrepresentation of the ideas, words, or work of others as your own.

4. Collaboration and Inclusion

   – Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among attendees by engaging in respectful discussions and fostering a welcoming atmosphere.

   – Embrace diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and background.

5. Reporting Violations

   – If you witness or experience any violation of this Code of Conduct, please report it to a conference organizer or staff member immediately.

   – All reports will be treated confidentially and will be thoroughly investigated. Appropriate actions will be taken based on the investigation’s findings.

6. Consequences of Misconduct

   – Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in a range of actions, including but not limited to warnings, expulsion from the conference without a refund, and prohibition from attending future events organized by IMOG.

7. Expectations for Speakers and Presenters

   – Presenters are expected to deliver their content in a respectful and unbiased manner, avoiding intentionally offensive language or imagery.

   – Q&A sessions should be conducted with consideration for diverse viewpoints, and moderators will ensure respectful audience interactions.

8. Expectations for Attendees

   – Be mindful of your questions and comments during sessions, ensuring they contribute constructively to the conversation.

   – Engage in networking and discussions with a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect.

By participating in IMOG, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and positive experience for all attendees and appreciate your cooperation in upholding these principles.


Awards celebrate individuals that exemplify these values by making significant contributions to their respective fields and society as a whole. We are dedicated to maintaining the prestige and honor associated with our awards, which are grounded in the foundation of ethical conduct.

In circumstances where an award recipient is found to have committed ethical violations or violated the law which are fundamentally contrary to the principles and values our awards represent, we retain the prerogative to revoke the award. This measure will be executed with careful deliberation, thorough examination, and a firm commitment to fairness.

Revocation Process

1. Investigation. Allegations involving ethical violations, legal breaches, or other serious crimes, against an award recipient will undergo a thorough and impartial investigation. This investigative process will be conducted by a designated committee or experts with pertinent expertise, prioritizing fairness and objectivity.

2. Due Process. The accused party will be afforded the opportunity to present their perspective and respond to the allegations. Respecting the principles of due process, the accused will be treated fairly, granting them an adequate chance to be heard and offer evidence in their defense. In the event of a violation identified posthumously, this process is waived.

3. Ethics and Legal Review. The findings of the investigation will be critically evaluated by an appointed committee to assess the gravity and ramifications of the ethical violation or legal breach concerning the values our awards signify.

4. Decision and Communication. Based on the committee’s evaluation, a decision will be reached regarding the revocation of the award. If the determination is to revoke the award, the recipient will receive written notification, accompanied by a comprehensive explanation outlining the rationale behind the decision.

5. Transparency. While confidentiality will be maintained during the process, we are firmly committed to transparency in instances of award revocation. A general statement elucidating the decision to rescind an award and the grounds for such action will be released publicly. This commitment promotes accountability and safeguards the credibility of our awards.

Appeals Process                                

We acknowledge the significance of affording the accused party an avenue for appeal. Thus, the recipient possesses the right to contest the decision within a designated timeframe. An appeals committee, distinct from the initial review body, will assess the appeal, ensuring an impartial and objective re-evaluation of the decision.

At EAOG, we hold our dedication to ethical values and legal adherence in high regard. Award revocation is an extraordinary measure enacted solely in instances where ethical violations, legal infractions, including murder or other serious crimes, significantly compromise the core principles that underpin our awards. Preserving the integrity of our awards is indispensable for inspiring and acknowledging authentic excellence.

This ethics statement underscores our commitment to upholding the most elevated standards of ethical behavior and assures that our awards persist in symbolizing excellence, integrity, and constructive influence.

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